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KPN and Sekura. A collaboration built on trust and transparency

KPN and Sekura. A collaboration built on trust and transparency
We’ve partnered with global mobile intelligence leaders Sekura to help bring KPN’s cutting-edge API portfolio to the world and reduce identity fraud.

From the very beginning, the partnership between Sekura and KPN has been very open, honest and collaborative with a shared interest in building a true partnership to bring the cyber protection of KPN’s API portfolio to market. There’s also been great interaction with sharing knowledge something Keiron Dalton, Chief Product Officer at Sekura.id explained: “KPN are very progressive, and we welcomed their appetite to support and push mobile identity services. Mobile operators have access to a unique insight into consumers and their devices, so to have KPN not only provide a service but also provide the willingness to take it to market as a means of distribution, shows their commitment and we’re all for it.”

Keiron also gave us some insight into why Sekura felt that KPN was a good match for them, “When we look for partners we aspire to create a collaboration that benefits both parties. Long gone are the days of suppliers/customers, instead we have mutual trust and confidence, where both parties are committed.”

He continued, “We are thrilled to be working with KPN, one of the Netherlands’ leading Mobile Network Operators and taking their Mobile Identity services to market via Sekura.id’s SAFr platform. We’re also looking forward to working on opening up more revenue streams for KPN during our partnership. We’re strapping in for some extremely exciting times ahead in the Netherlands, and Europe in general in this collaboration with a terrific operator.”

Our partnership is also great for mobile security as Sekura brings together services offered by all Dutch telcos into a single package for distributors and customers. Using their direct connections to other MNOs in regions through their single API, it’s enabled KPN to take the whole API offering to clients with ease. Acting as an hub, Sekura makes it far easier for partners who want to distribute or integrate KPN’s APIs into their global portfolio without having to contract telcos individually.

And with millions of online transactions happening every second and cyber fraud rising with it, KPN’s API portfolio is needed now more than ever. Our partnership with Sekura removes any barriers and helps to bring mobile identity to the market far quicker – giving end customers the cutting-edge security and anti-fraud protection they need.

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