KPN Wholesale

Where do you want to log in ?

Where do you want to log in?

MyKPN Wholesale

View your invoices, reports, product documents, incident reports and the Prequal (formerly Postcodetool) for prequals and quotes. From now on also for DWDM and Dark Fiber offers, orders and Installed base.

To MyKPN Wholesale

TIE Portal

Request quotes and orders, check your IB and conduct tests for WEAS using Ping. In addition, we provide information services and trouble ticketing for MDF, WLR and CPS.

To TIE Portal

WBA/VULA Order portal

Enter orders, request order status, and view deliveries for WBA.

To WBA/VULA Portaal

Postcode Tool

Check the availability of WEAS and DWDM at a specific address and request prequals and quotes using KPN Wholesale’s postcode tool .

To Postcode tool

Userguides portals