Publicatie datum | 17 oktober 2014 |
KPN Wholesale werkt aan het verbeteren van inzicht in de levering van uw zakelijke glasvezelverbinding. Vanaf heden leggen we in de WEAS-offertes vast als er sprake is van een bijzondere situatie die invloed heeft op de levering van uw glasvezelverbinding. Denkt u hierbij aan omstandigheden als vervuilde grond, nieuwbouwlocaties, een dijk of levering op terrein van derden. In totaal zijn er tien categorieën gedefinieerd. De verbeterde informatievoorziening geeft u meer inzicht in de levering van uw verbindingen en draagt bij aan de goede serviceverlening richting uw klanten.
We nemen de gedefinieerde codes met omschrijvingen ook op in de eerstvolgende wijziging van de WEAS-dienstbeschrijving. Voor nu vindt u deze hieronder ook alvast:
Code | Special Condition Customer Text |
1 | Due to soil contamination, €2500 expense charge in connection with soil analysis. The lump sum cannot be finalized until the soil analysis has been completed. |
2 | In order to connect this location, KPN needs to rent a fiber-optic connection from a third party. This may result in different rates. |
3 | In order for a connection to the established, special works are required, such as the intersection of a railway line or national road. This may lead to longer completion times. |
4 | Due to dyke closure, no work may be performed from October 1 through April 1. |
5 | Telehouse locations are subject to separate agreements concerning in-house cabling and patches. These must be requested and financially settled by the party requesting this connection with the Telehouse administrator concerned. Furthermore, in the Telehouse premises concerned the requesting party must provide sufficient rack space for the KPN hardware and, if applicable, 230V mains electricity. |
6 | Works must be carried out in an area where longer completion times must be taken into account. |
7 | This offer is based on delivery in the main building. |
8 | KPN will deliver the connection on the first floor. The request for the connection between the first floor and customer area must be submitted to the builder. |
9 | This concerns a new location. |
10 | "To be filled in by KPN-consultant (free-text field)". |